Benefits of Chapter Membership
Meetings are held at local and regional events, and the chapter sponsors educational webinars throughout the year.
Membership in the Southern California Chapter APG allows you to meet and network with professionals from your local area and develop skills to advance your professional standing.
All members of the Association of Professional Genealogists abide by a Code of Ethics.

Why Should You Join?
“Through APG I have attended the Professional Management Conference and the Mini-PMC through my local chapter. I have gained valuable insight through their publications.”
“APG provides the networking, education, and opportunities that genealogists need to create and sustain a business.”
“I have met other genealogists who have assisted me with research and advice, and have had the opportunity to be a part of a thriving community that is excited about what they do.”

Interested in Hiring a Researcher?
Please visit our Hire a Genealogist page for a list of members who would be happy to assist you.